GREETING CARD / Another World / Steve + Alice
GREETING CARD / GÉRARD, Francois / Daphnis + Chloe, 1825
GREETING CARD / Lumberjacks couple
GREETING CARD / Male Couple, 1895
GREETING CARD / Male Lovers, 1890
GREETING CARD / Tom of Finland / Leather Men in Love
GREETING CARD / Two sailors kissing
NOTE CARD / Higher Love
NOTE CARD / LEONARD, Michael / Men nude with plaid and stripes
NOTE CARD / Maurice, 1987 / Hugh Grant + James Wilby
NOTE CARD / Sailors Kiss
NOTE CARD / Three affectionate men, 1910s
NOTE CARD / Two men on wedding cake
NOTE CARD / Two sailors embrace, 1940s
POSTCARD / BROC, Jean / Death of Hyacinthos, 1801
POSTCARD / Brokeback Mountain / Jake Gyllenhaal + Heath Ledger
POSTCARD / Brokeback Mountain / Jake Gyllenhaal + Heath Ledger on horses
POSTCARD / Dick Trask + affectionate friend, 1976
POSTCARD / FRENCH Jim / Two bikers, 1972
POSTCARD / Gordon Merrick / Victor Gadino / The Lord won't mind
POSTCARD / James Dean kissing Marlon Brando
POSTCARD / Jean Cocteau + Jean Marais / Cecil Beaton
POSTCARD / Jean Cocteau + Jean Marais at the beach, 1939
POSTCARD / Jeffrey nude with flowers
POSTCARD / Marilyn Monroe in heart, 1947 / Bruno of Hollywood
POSTCARD / Marlon Brando kissing James Dean
POSTCARD / Matt and Morgan nude embrace
POSTCARD / Matthew + Morgan loving gaze
POSTCARD / Nude couple kissing
POSTCARD / RITTS, Herb / Duo XI, Mexico 1990
POSTCARD / Russian + American soldiers kissing, 1945
POSTCARD / Tom of Finland / The kiss
POSTCARD / Two affectionate sailors in white
POSTCARD / Two affectionate soldiers kiss + jeep
POSTCARD / Two men kissing, 1955
POSTCARD / Two nude lovers kissing
POSTCARD / Two nude men on the beach at sunset
POSTCARD / Young men couple, Idaho / 1941