GREETING CARD / Fraulein Kussin + Mrs Edwards / Women Boxers, 1912
GREETING CARD / Ready to Fight
POSTCARD / BELLOWS, George / Dempsey + Firpo, 1924
POSTCARD / Boxer in tight shorts
POSTCARD / Boxer nude
POSTCARD / Boxer seated
POSTCARD / Boxer's Buttocks
POSTCARD / Boxers James Corbett + Peter Jackson, 1894
POSTCARD / CADELL Francis / The Boxer, 1930s
POSTCARD / Diego nude boxer
POSTCARD / EAKINS, Thomas / Between rounds, 1898
POSTCARD / ETTY William / Male nude boxing, 1849
POSTCARD / Kai the nude boxer
POSTCARD / Randolph Scott + Boxing Punch Bag
POSTCARD / Rudolph Valentino with boxing gloves
POSTCARD / SARGEANT Bruce / Three Boxers
POSTCARD / SOMOV Konstantin, The Boxer, 1933
POSTCARD / Two soldiers, one boxer, 1910s
POSTCARD / Tyger Hudson nude with boxing gloves