POSTCARD / Metropolis, 1927 / Brigitte Helm + candle / Fritz Lang
POSTCARD / METROPOLIS, 1927 / Brigitte Helm / Fritz Lang / France
POSTCARD / Metropolis, 1927 / Fritz Lang
POSTCARD / MODERN TIMES, 1936 / Charlie Chaplin
POSTCARD / NAPOLÉON, 1927 / Abel Gance / Albert Dieudonné
POSTCARD / Norma Talmadge, Eternal flame, 1922 / James ABBE
POSTCARD / ONE WEEK, 1920 / Buster Keaton / Sybil Seely
POSTCARD / Pola Negri in satin dress / Ernst Sandau
POSTCARD / Ramon Novarro + Betty Bronson / Ben Hur, 1925
POSTCARD / Ramon Novarro + Francis X. Bushman / Ben Hur, 1926
POSTCARD / Ramon Novarro / Ben Hur, 1925
POSTCARD / Ramon Novarro in pool
POSTCARD / Ramon Novarro on chariot / Ben Hur, 1925
POSTCARD / Ramon Novarro on ship / Ben Hur, 1926
POSTCARD / Ramon Novarro, 1925
POSTCARD / Renée Adorée + John Gilbert / The Big Parade. 1925
POSTCARD / Richard Arlen + Buddy Rogers / Wings, 1927
POSTCARD / Richard Arlen + Clara Bow + Buddy Rogers / Wings, 1927
POSTCARD / Richard Barthelmess + Lilian Gish / Way Down East, 1920
POSTCARD / Rudolf Klein-Rogge + Brigitte Helm / Metropolis, 1927
POSTCARD / Rudolph Valentino + Alice Terry dancing, 1921
POSTCARD / Rudolph Valentino + cigarette / Blood and Sand, 1922
POSTCARD / Rudolph Valentino + dogs, 1924
POSTCARD / Rudolph Valentino + Nita Naldi + Lila Lee / Blood and Sand, 1922
POSTCARD / Rudolph Valentino + Vilma Banky + George Fitzmaurice / Son of the Sheik, 1926
POSTCARD / Rudolph Valentino + Vilma Banky / Son of the Sheik
POSTCARD / Rudolph Valentino + Vilma Banky / Son of the Sheik, 1926
POSTCARD / Rudolph Valentino / Blood and Sand, 1922
POSTCARD / Rudolph Valentino / Death announcement, 1926
POSTCARD / Rudolph Valentino / Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, 1921
POSTCARD / Rudolph Valentino / Headshot, 1920s
POSTCARD / Rudolph Valentino / Monsieur Beaucaire, 1924 (color)
POSTCARD / Rudolph Valentino / The Eagle, 1925
POSTCARD / Rudolph Valentino / The Sheik, 1921
POSTCARD / Rudolph Valentino as Native American
POSTCARD / Rudolph Valentino as Spirit guide, 1923
POSTCARD / Rudolph Valentino as The Sheik, 1921