POSTCARD / Bart sitting nude with towel
POSTCARD / Beefcake nude + white column
POSTCARD / Beefcake nude on black
POSTCARD / Chase in white underwear
POSTCARD / Constantin nude with whip
POSTCARD / Don Deckman nude + white column
POSTCARD / Don Deckman nude from side / Pat Milo
POSTCARD / Dreaming of Formica, 1952
POSTCARD / Group of nude wrestlers, 1950's
POSTCARD / Man in swimsuit holding torpedo
POSTCARD / MIZER, Bob / Two wrestlers in action, 1950's
POSTCARD / Nude man on road with sword
POSTCARD / Nude man with Pepsi and banana
POSTCARD / Nude muscular beefcake with ball in dunes
POSTCARD / Ren nude with bust
POSTCARD / Ren nude with bust / John Arnt
POSTCARD / Rod Bauer + Scott Manley nude
POSTCARD / Scotty Cunningham in shower, 1956 / Bruce of L.A.
POSTCARD / Three French beachboys in swimsuits, 1957 / Jean Ferrero
POSTCARD / Vintage male nudes with hoop
POSTCARD / WHITMORE, Coby / Two men under the rain