POSTCARD / Bill nude with crossed arms
POSTCARD / Billy seated sailor
POSTCARD / Billy the Sailor
POSTCARD / Black man nude frontal
POSTCARD / Blaine and Sam nude couple, 1978
POSTCARD / Blister gunner, 1944 / Howard Bristol
POSTCARD / Blond nude lumberjack + axe
POSTCARD / Bob Bishop + nude friend
POSTCARD / Bob Bishop Hitchhiker
POSTCARD / Bob Bishop nude from side
POSTCARD / Bob Bishop nude with crossed arms
POSTCARD / Bob Moore nude + riffle, 1963
POSTCARD / Bobby Houston nude
POSTCARD / Boxer's Buttocks
POSTCARD / Bronson nude frontal
POSTCARD / Bruce Morgan nude frontal
POSTCARD / Bruce Van Allen nude buttocks from back
POSTCARD / Bruno sitting nude, 1974
POSTCARD / Bruno standing nude
POSTCARD / Bryan nude frontal
POSTCARD / Bubble butt man wearing glasses
POSTCARD / Buck Hayes nude frontal
POSTCARD / Buck Hayes nude in suit and tie
POSTCARD / Buck Hayes nude with arm up
POSTCARD / Burton nude on knees
POSTCARD / Business Men Lunch Hour
POSTCARD / California nude football player
POSTCARD / Carlos nude on bed
POSTCARD / Carter in black & white
POSTCARD / Carter nude butt in jockstrap + cap
POSTCARD / Casey nude frontal
POSTCARD / Chad Hazzard nude frontal
POSTCARD / Charles nude from side
POSTCARD / Charles nude in tub with butt out
POSTCARD / Chet nude frontal
POSTCARD / Chris nude buttocks
POSTCARD / Chris nude from back
POSTCARD / Christopher nude with friend
POSTCARD / Christopher sitting nude with arm up
POSTCARD / Coffee drinking nude in bed