POSTCARD / Two men sharing a beer, 1950s
POSTCARD / Affectionate men in nightshirts, 1906 (olive)
POSTCARD / Two nude men climbing a palm tree, Tahiti
POSTCARD / PIEL Denis / B + J , Rest / 1982
POSTCARD / Two soldiers relaxing in barracks
POSTCARD / Comrades in uniforms, 1938 / Schamyl Bauman
POSTCARD / Jean Cocteau + Jean Marais at the beach, 1939
POSTCARD / Douglas of Detroit / Bob Delmonteque + friend in dunes
POSTCARD / Rock Hudson + George Nader at the pool, 1957
POSTCARD / TUKE, Henry Scott / After the bath, 1921
POSTCARD / RITTS, Herb / Duo X, 1990 / Bob Paris + Rod Jackson
POSTCARD / Lazy afternoon by the lake
POSTCARD / DUBUFE Claude-Marie / Apollon + Cyparisse, 1821
POSTCARD / Don Fuller + Kip Behar nude on rocks, 1950s / Bruce of L.A.
POSTCARD / Johnny Weissmuller and George O'Brien in swimsuits, 1930s
POSTCARD / Affectionate smiling farm hands
POSTCARD / Two vintage Pierrots
POSTCARD / Mouthful Nude / 045
POSTCARD / Manfred Speer + Walt Ford
POSTCARD / Erron + friend nude in shower
POSTCARD / Young men couple, Idaho / 1941