POSTCARD / Abraham Lincoln at Antietam, 1862 / Alexander Gardner
POSTCARD / EAKINS, Thomas / Four nude men on shoreline, 1884
POSTCARD / Ernest Cadine French weightlifter sitting , 1920
POSTCARD / Erotic sailors / 19th century
POSTCARD / French nude male model, 1920's / Henri Manuel
POSTCARD / Group of nude muscular men, 1910's
POSTCARD / Gustave Fritensky, Czech culturist, 1910
POSTCARD / JANSSON, Eugen Fredrick / Models in studio, 1910
POSTCARD / MARCONI, Gaudenzio / Male figure in repose, 1860
POSTCARD / PLUESCHOW, Wilhelm Von / The Christian martyr, 1905
POSTCARD / Stanford Nude Rowers, 1920
POSTCARD / Two male models / 19th century
POSTCARD / Two male swimmers / 19th century
POSTCARD / Victorian Man nude with Fig Leaf
POSTCARD / Victorian nude men couple
POSTCARD / Views of nude male models, 1875 / Jean Louis IGOUT
POSTCARD / VON GLOEDEN / Naples, Nude men, 1897
POSTCARD / VON GLOEDEN / Naples, Nude men, 1897 / 2
POSTCARD / VON GLOEDEN, Wilhelm / Eduardo + Vincenzo in Pompei, 1897
POSTCARD/ WWI Lieutenant Garland clothed / nude, 1916
POSTCARD/ WWI Lieutenant Garland nude, 1916