GREETING CARD / Austin nude in pool
GREETING CARD / Clark in wet underwear out of pool
NOTE CARD / QUAINTANCE, George / At the Roman baths
POSTCARD / Abraham Al Malek nude at pool edge
POSTCARD / Andy nude near pool
POSTCARD / ANONYMOUS / Men around the pool, 1945
POSTCARD / Anthony out of pool
POSTCARD / Basil nude next to pool
POSTCARD / Bel Ami men poolside
POSTCARD / Ben + Andrew nude at pool
POSTCARD / BIANCHI, Tom / Pool Window, 1990
POSTCARD / BIANCHI, Tom / Shadow on the wall, 1988
POSTCARD / Boyd Hanson, blond swimmer with bubble butt in pool
POSTCARD / Come in the water is fine
POSTCARD / Daniel nude out of pool
POSTCARD / Davide + Johnie by the pool
POSTCARD / Drew Burton + Paul Strand nude on pool edge
POSTCARD / Emery sitting nude at the pool
POSTCARD / Gavin + Hal nude poolside, 1960s
POSTCARD / George Nader at the pool, 1955
POSTCARD / Grant + Ryan nude in pool
POSTCARD / Group of Olympic champions relay swimmers, 1902
POSTCARD / HOHENSTEIN, Adolfo / Swimmers at Victoriabad in Bonn, 1918
POSTCARD / Jacques red speedos
POSTCARD / Jeffrey Hunter + Robert Wagner in pool, 1956
POSTCARD / Jeffrey Hunter + Robert Wagner in pool
POSTCARD / Johnny Beyer + friend nude at pool's edge
POSTCARD / Kurt Marshall + Brian Maxon in swimsuits
POSTCARD / Male Nude on Pool Edge
POSTCARD / Mark Rutherford nude on pool edge
POSTCARD / Mouthful Nude / 24
POSTCARD / MUNCH, Edvard / Men in pool, 1923
POSTCARD / Nate Karlton yellow swimsuit in pool
POSTCARD / Nude men at the Turkish room sauna pool, 1970s
POSTCARD / Nude men out of the pool
POSTCARD / Nude swimmers pool edge
POSTCARD / Paul Vonderlin nude in tub, 1977
POSTCARD / Pierre nude out of pool
POSTCARD / Ramon Novarro in pool