POSTCARD / 19th century Russian men in bathhouse
POSTCARD / 19th century Three Russian men in bathhouse
POSTCARD / Acrobatic Man Nude / 2
POSTCARD / Alberto reclining nude
POSTCARD / Athletes Nude Olympics / Praise be to what makes you hard, 1972 / Rolf Thiele
POSTCARD / BARTHOLOMÉ. Albert / Monument aux morts, 1890
POSTCARD / Baseball players in showers, 1937
POSTCARD / Baseball players nude in locker room
POSTCARD / Buddy Houston closed eyes, 1975
POSTCARD / Calvin nude in bathroom
POSTCARD / Channing Tatum in gym locker room
POSTCARD / Chet O'Roark from back
POSTCARD / Chett Stills nude buttocks
POSTCARD / Don Fuller + Kip Behar nude on rocks, 1950s / Bruce of L.A.
POSTCARD / Drew Burton + Paul Strand nude on pool edge
POSTCARD / EAKINS, Thomas / Circle of friends at The Swimming Hole, 1884
POSTCARD / Eight nude men against Egyptian wall
POSTCARD / Ernie Langeberg nude on sofa
POSTCARD / Felix nude on pipes
POSTCARD / Five nude men from back on balcony
POSTCARD / Five nude men in field with ball
POSTCARD / Five nude men on pier
POSTCARD / Five nude men Tug-of-War
POSTCARD / Five nude men walking
POSTCARD / Five nude soldiers with legs up, 1940
POSTCARD / Footballers Martin Buchan + Don Masson in locker room, 1977 / Bob Thomas
POSTCARD / Four men laughing in showers
POSTCARD / Four men, two tubs / Football players, 1920s
POSTCARD / Four nude men in a field
POSTCARD / Four nude men in river
POSTCARD / Four nude men on yacht
POSTCARD / Four nude men splash at the lake
POSTCARD / Four nude rowers
POSTCARD / Four nude rowers preparation
POSTCARD / Franco Arbruzzi nude in denim vest
POSTCARD / Frankie, Nude sailor on bed
POSTCARD / French nude male model, 1920's / Henri Manuel
POSTCARD / German factory workers in communal showers, 1946
POSTCARD / Giorgio Caneli reclining nude
POSTCARD / Gordon Grant + Marty Palmer on rock