POSTCARD / ABILDGAARD Nicolai / The last judgement, after Michelangelo, 1774
POSTCARD / ALBERTI, Johanes / Warrior with lance + shield, 1808
POSTCARD / ALCHIMOWICZ, Kazimierz / Seated man nude, 1873
POSTCARD / ALLORI, Alessandro / Laocoon + his sons, 1550
POSTCARD / ALLORI, Alessandro / Portrait of a young man, 1560
POSTCARD / Anonymous / Nude male figure from back / 1
POSTCARD / Anonymous / Ode to Friendship, 1850
POSTCARD / Anonymous American / Male nude + rope / Early 20th century
POSTCARD / Anonymous, French / Drawing male nude, 1825
POSTCARD / BAIXERAS-VERDAGUER / Narcissus in love with his reflection, 19th century
POSTCARD / Balakowicz, Stephan / Discobolus, 1889
POSTCARD / BARBIERI, Enrico / David + Goliath, 1844
POSTCARD / BARNARD, Margaret Helen / The Rowers, 20th century
POSTCARD / BATONI, Pompeo / Academic nude, 1765
POSTCARD / BAZILLE Frederic / Fisherman with net, 1868
POSTCARD / BAZILLE Frederic / Homme nu sur herbe, 1870
POSTCARD / BELGIAN School / Standing male nude, 19th century
POSTCARD / BEM, Rudolf / Male nude, 1874
POSTCARD / BENNER Emmanuel / Hunters, 1879
POSTCARD / BENOUVILLE Léon / Achilles, 1847
POSTCARD / BENOUVILLE, Léon / Achille, 1847
POSTCARD / BERNUTH, Max / Wrestling Youths, 1872
POSTCARD / BERONNEAU, Pierre / Orpheus in the underworld, 1897
POSTCARD / BILINSKA-BOHDANOWICZ / The sculptor Barnard, 1890
POSTCARD / BLAKE / Satan arousing the rebel angels, 1808
POSTCARD / BLANCHE, Jacques-Émile / Marcel Proust, 1892
POSTCARD / BLISS, Robert / Kneeling Male Nude, 1964
POSTCARD / BLOCH, Carl / Liberation of Prometheus, 19th century
POSTCARD / BLOCH, Carl / Samson + the treadmill, 1863
POSTCARD / BLONDEL Merry Joseph / Solon of Athens, 1828
POSTCARD / BONNAT Léon / Lutte de Jacob contre l'ange, 1876
POSTCARD / BOUGUEREAU William / Dante and Virgil in Hell, 1850
POSTCARD / BOUGUEREAU William / Étude de nu, 1873
POSTCARD / BOUGUEREAU William / Half-figure of man, 1850
POSTCARD / BROC, Jean / Death of Hyacinthos, 1801
POSTCARD / BRONZINO / Saint Sebastian, 1533
POSTCARD / BRONZINO, Agnolo / Neptune, 1530
POSTCARD / BURNEY Edward / Seated nude, 1790